2×2 Out of System
2x2 Out of System is a drilled used to work on out of system setting off of a dig/pass. This is a great drill for all players of any position to learn to set out of system in varying situations.
1 to 5 Defense
1 to 5 defense is a great drill to get your athletes in the competitive mindset while playing defense.
Instant Karma
This drill can be used to isolate certain skills to work on them one at a time. This is a fast paced, high rep drill to run to keep all athletes engaged.
Full Court Pepper
Full court pepper is great drill for incorporating defense, setting, and controlled swings. Variations are available for higher levels and varying group numbers.
Serving Activation 6’s
Serving activation is a great drill for 6 on 6 play that incorporates the importance of serving and serve receive. Once activated, the designated side gets freeballs and an opportunity to score.
Basic Butterfly
The basic butterfly drill is a way to incorporate serving and receiving in a fast paced, high repetition environment.
This is a dynamic crossing under the net drill for groups of three players and a great chaos drill for communication.