May 20, 2020 – When can we get back to training?
Now that Governor Edwards has lifted some of the stay at home restrictions for the state of Louisiana, Delta Athletics is working to open as soon as we can. Unfortunately, the current recommendations from USAV, the CDC, and other scientific resources are not recommending opening at this time.
We are continuing to work with the schools that we rent gym space from to determine the best and safest method of opening.
Our current assumption is that we will reopen in a limited manner – at first only private instruction and very small groups. When this happens will be based on data, our ability to keep everyone safe, and our ability to clean and sanitize our facilities and equipment. As soon as that happens, we will let every one of our clients know, and begin scheduling training opportunities.
We at Delta Athletics know that this is frustrating to many people, and we wish that we could offer a better timeline for our opening. Please know that as soon as we are sure we can open safely, we will work hard to get you back to training.
Stay Safe.
March 25th, 2020
With the continuing COVID crisis, I wanted to reach out to assure you that you will not be charged by Delta Athletics, and you will keep your spot once this crisis has passed.
As of the time of the email, we hope to only suspend our April training programs. If this crisis continues longer than April, we will continue to suspend payments until such time as we can safely reopen.
On another note, if you want to help in the fight against COVID19 but don’t know what to do, I highly encourage you to head to
Cajun Navy Relief and other partners have begun organizing the citizen response to the shortage of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for our medical community. If you have PPE of any sort to donate, have materials or equipment that can be used to make PPE, or even have a sewing machine, I encourage you to sign up with Cajun Navy Relief.
Stay safe, stay home, and practice good social distance. I look forward to seeing you back on the court once this crisis has passed.
– Coach Grant
March 13, 2020
PARENTS: if you are reading this, please share it with your athlete. We believe that young people can handle tough situations if they are given the right information and encouragement. While this information may be frustrating, Delta Athletics would rather lose clients and money than be the reason an athlete got sick, or the reason somebody’s mother, father, or grandfather was hospitalized. This is a tough time for everyone, and if I can help you keep your household calm by providing ideas for entertainment, please feel free to contact me directly.
Coach Grant – 504.383.5164
With the quickly moving news of the Coronavirus, Delta Athletics is suspending classes and private training for at least two weeks. But we are committed to ensuring that you receive the training that you signed up for, and we will make these sessions up when it is safe to do so.
I know this is a scary time for all of us, and you may be afraid of what is happening in the world. But facing our fears is what make us brave. Arm yourselves with good information, ask questions, and learn how to keep this disease from spreading.
During this time, we know you will be at home. Boredom will be the largest problem to fight each day. I encourage you to spend some time playing volleyball with your brother, sister, father, or mother. If you can’t play ball in the house, spend time is the backyard passing and setting. Indoors you can always practice with a balloon, inexpensive toy ball, or a volleyball (if your parents will let you). Make sure to get exercise every day, and enjoy the time with your family.
When it is ok to begin again, Delta Athletics will offer as many make up sessions as necessary to keep your training on track. And private lessons will be offered as soon as we feel it is safe to do so. As of right now, our summer camps and clinics are still scheduled as usual.
As always, the Delta Team is here to help. If you have questions, need a good idea on how to practice at home, or just want to chat, we are here to help in any way possible.
Stay safe, learn as much as you can, and remember to be brave. When we can, we will happily welcome you back on the court.
-Coach Grant