Serve Receive

Servers Butterfly

Servers Butterfly is a drill used for serving and passing repetitions. It is non-competitive and great for large groups.

By |10,28,2024|Comments Off on Servers Butterfly

Servers vs. Passers

Servers vs. Passers is a great drill to incorporate passing off of a live serve and serving against live passers. This drill can be modified to best fit small to large groups, beginner to advanced skill sets, and other variables depending on the players/team available.

By |05,08,2024|Comments Off on Servers vs. Passers

Half Butterfly

Half Butterfly is intended to isolate a serve receive passer in order to individually work on angles, reading, and body movement. This drill should be used for all skill levels.

By |11,05,2023|Comments Off on Half Butterfly

Russian Passing

The Russian Passing Drill incorporates staying in a defensive position while focusing on movement and below the hip passing. This drill can be used with beginners and above.

By |11,02,2023|Comments Off on Russian Passing

Basic Butterfly

The basic butterfly drill is a way to incorporate serving and receiving in a fast paced, high repetition environment.

By |10,06,2023|Comments Off on Basic Butterfly
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