3-Step Approach Breakdown
This drill is designed to teach athletes to properly do a three-step approach. This is a great drill for beginners when they are being introduced to 3-step attacking.
2-Step Approach Breakdown
This drill is designed to teach athletes to properly do a two-step approach. This is a great drill for beginners when they are being introduced to attacking.
Over Unders
Over Unders is a drill to help athletes warm up hitting in a controlled setting with a partner. This is also a great way to emphasize controlled movements.
2 Partner Serving
2 Partner Serving focuses on serving accuracy and form in a controlled setting with a partner. This is a great drill to use at the beginning of a practice to warm up serving.
Servers vs. Passers
Servers vs. Passers is a great drill to incorporate passing off of a live serve and serving against live passers. This drill can be modified to best fit small to large groups, beginner to advanced skill sets, and other variables depending on the players/team available.