Delta Athletics centers around quality coaching at every level. Just like we encourage our athletes to try new skills and positions, we encourage our coaches to do the same – and we compensate them for growth. This is done through our Defined Coaching Roles, Coaching Development Matrix, and our Coaching Bid process.

There are three roles for coaches – Master, Head, and Assistant. These roles aren’t necessarily defined by experience. They are defined by responsibilities.


Responsible for Gym Management

A Master Coach is responsible for gym with multiple courts running simultaneously. Not only are they responsible for their own training court, they are also responsible for ensuring all courts are running smoothly. Responsibilities include:

  • Gym open and close
    • Must be at gym early to open of other staff.
    • Responsible for key and alarm management.
  • Oversees court setup and takedown
  • Controls all Delta Equipment (coach’s box, balls, carts, shirts, badges)
  • Leads practice (other staff may be running each court, but the master coach is responsible for ensuring all athletes are getting proper instruction)
  • Reports Shirt and badge inventory after every Sunday
  • Writes and Delivers Practice Plans to all coaching staff
  • Manages Customer (parent) service issues


Responsible for Class Management

A Head Coach is responsible for a single court gym, or for running a single court in a multi-court gym. Responsibilities include:

  • Court setup and takedown
  • Taking class attendance
  • Running practice on their assigned court
  • Shirt distribution (new and advancing clients) and inventory reporting
  • Badge Application and inventory reporting
  • Managing Customer (parent) service issues


Coaching, Athlete, and Parent Support

An Assistant Coach supports the Head and/or Master coaches by taking care of the details that make a good practice. Assistant coaches will be assigned to one or more Head or Master Coaches at the beginning of the class. Responsibilities include:

  • New Athlete signup (enrollment, initial client photo, payment, shirt delivery, welcome packet)
  • Customer (parent) interface
  • Badge application
  • Practice support including:
    • Leading Warm-ups
    • Ball tossing, Serving, Hitting into defense, etc.
    • 1 on 1 training (for athletes who need extra help, or are working to advance quickly)
    • Stepping into drills when additional players are needed
  • Photo / Video collection for social media